
Porn & Sex Addiction

Group Coaching

Healthy Sexuality

AND a Great Life Without Leaving Home

Days, Nights & Weekend Sessions

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Secular/Science Based Program

Created by Former Sex Addict


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I Know What You Are Going Through. Please read.

My insane sexual addiction almost killed me 10 years ago when I felt so ashamed I tried to kill myself. I saved my life, family, and found my purpose.

For the past eight years, I’ve been leading men to take back control over their powerful sexual energy and harness it to create great lives … and to save their families. Clients have called the tools learned in my group coaching program, “revolutionary,” “awesome,” and “life-changing.” 

I’m not for everyone, but if you: 1. are willing to do some work; and 2. connect with my approach my team and I will move you quickly to healthy sexuality and a great life. We guarantee results with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. Lives and families are at stake and we think we should be compensated only if we deliver results.

Where you are at right now … I’ve been there. Since then, I have coached over 1,000 men in 25+ countries all over world. Millions saw my wife and I on Katie Couric and me as an expert on The Steve Harvey Show. Over 1 million people have watched my videos on YouTube and over 500,000 people have learned from my podcast Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions. 

Are you ready to take massive action?

Sign up to learn more and get my number so we can talk. 

Sign up to learn more and get my number so we can talk. 

Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.

Founder, The Mindful Habit® System (and former addict)

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Are You a Sex Addict?

  • Do you have sexual patterns of behavior that feel out of control or unhealthy?
  • Is this problematic sexual behavior now your go to method of numbing out, coping with hard moments and escaping?
  • Are you saying yes to certain compulsions when you want to say no?
  • Do you find yourself viewing porn at work?
  • Is your unhealthy sexuality affecting your career, finances or relationships?
  • Does your sexual behavior stand in the way of you reaching your full potential?
  • Is the porn you’re viewing incongruent with the man whom you wish to be?
  • Do you engage in risky sexual behaviors?
  • Do you feel you need to “get off” before you can function in the real world?
  • Are you secretive about your porn use or sexual habits, especially with your partner?
  • Is your whole day and your entire life planned around your use of porn or other compulsive or risky sexual activities?

If you answered yes to any

of these questions, then

it’s time for you to take


Get Started Literally Right NOW

Sign up below to get my #, more info about programs, and link to schedule a free consultation. I talk to everyone before joining up so we need to talk.

  • Take Action
  • Get Results
  • Create Healthy Sexuality
  • Save Your Relationship
  • Build a Great Life
  • Exceed Your Potential

Sex should be a force of power,
strength, pleasure and freedom for


Our customers say Excellent      4.9 out of 5 based on    Trustpilot


What If You Were Able To:

  • Be free from your addiction
  • Create a great life
  • Experience healthy sexuality
  • Learn valuable tools to save your relationship
  • Be the better man you truly want to be
  • Develop a system that empowers you to create long-term, sustainable results
  • Get incredible support (from highly trained, world-renowned Mindful Habit® coaches who have all struggled with compulsive sexual behavior)
  • Connect with other men who face the same challenges that you are going through

Watch Coach Craig Perra and his wife Michelle on The Katie Couric Show sharing their story:

How can I be so sure these results are possible for

Because I’m one of you.

  • My own struggles with porn and sex addiction began at age 8
  • As an adult I was fired from 2 six-figure jobs.
  • I felt so low that I even attempted to kill myself.
  • Worst of all, I nearly lost my wife and children.

There was a time, before I discovered these truths that have changed my entire philosophy on life and healing, a time before I became a top life coach and founded The Mindful Habit® System, meeting with thousands of clients in more than 27 countries.

There was a time before my appearances on The Katie Couric show, the Steve Harvey show, and Lifetime TV… that my life was consumed by an intense struggle with multiple addictions including sex and porn addiction.

My descent to the very bottom of the pit that I would call rock bottom is what forced me to question the typical recovery programs that had done nothing for me and my goals.

Despite these so called recovery programs, I always slid right back into my former habits and behaviors, which I had not replaced with anything meaningful.

Every time I slipped back into these patterns I hit a new low that was worse than the one before.

Then I consumed myself with habits, mindfulness, healthy sexuality, and success.

And everything changed.


Traditional 12 Step programs, the disease based
model of addiction, and traditional therapy simply
did not work.

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I knew that there just had to be better
ways to free myself once and for all
from my addiction.

I was told that the answer to getting my life on the right track was to drive 30 minutes one way multiple days a week and sit with a group of strangers, telling them that I was afflicted with a disease over which I was powerless and declaring my need to surrender and turn my life over to a higher power.

I couldn’t accept the insanity of that approach; if you feel the same way, then you’re in the right place.

Although the disease-based model might help you to pause your porn use or compulsive acting out for a while, it is not tailored towards helping you create a better life or even a healthy sexuality.

Chances are, you’re doing it all wrong.

Verified Client Reviews


Read 4.9 out of 5 based on 280 reviews on    Trustpilot

What you need to know about sex addiction and
porn addiction:

  • Sex/porn addiction isn’t a recognized medical health disorder.
  • The acting out behavior is the symptom, never the root cause, and it must be treated accordingly.
  • American Psychiatric Association explicitly and repeatedly rejected the disease based model of addiction as a way to treat compulsive and unhealthy sexual behavior.
  • There is zero data demonstrating the effectiveness of the disease based model to create healthy sexuality and a great life.
  • There is a new world of science around habits, mindfulness and success, that when combined in the right way, can produce powerful and permanent results.
  • The American Society for Sex Educators Counselors & Therapists declared the disease based model ineffective.

Clients have said that three weeks with me were more powerful than years of therapy. Healing doesn’t have to take years.


Watch Craig Perra, Expert on Sex & Porn Addiction, on Steve Harvey helping a couple fix their marriage:



  • After decades of addiction, having the habits and learning the tools and teachings necessary to defeat porn or sex addiction and create a great life.
  • After decades of shame, secrecy and having sex be something healthy in your life.
  • Waking up each day knowing your life is in a better place.
  • Developing the tools to get to a place where you can express your sexual needs to your partner with no guilt or shame.
  • Helping your family heal and grow from the pain your addiction has caused.
  • Being able to understand and express your needs in a healthy way.
  • Immediately being able to put tools into action and start making the final lifestyle changes you crave
  • Being an awakened, sexually conscious man, embracing all the gifts that life has to offer.




The Mindful Habit® System represents an evolution in the treatment for sex addiction and porn addiction.

And step by step, week by week, it will lead you to control your sexual urges, and channel them into creating powerful new habits so you finally realize and embrace your true potential as a man.

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Why The Mindful Habit® System over traditional therapy?

The answer is simple, because it works fast, it’s rooted in the science of habits, mindfulness, and success … and traditional is outdated, slow, antiquated and inefficient.


Let’s face it, the current model to overcome any addiction is over 80 years old.


There's little data supporting the effectiveness of the 12 Step/disease based model to create healthy sexuality and drive long terms results.


The leading association of sexual health counselors and therapists (since 1967) said using the disease based model to treat compulsive sexual behavior is NEGLIGENT.


Residential treatment can cost you over $20,000 and most can't afford to leave work.


Science changes every day and you need the latest and greatest tools that work.


A year of counseling, which isn't uncommon will cost you thousands of dollars.

If you want powerful change, and if you want that change to be sustainable, you are in the right place.

You will learn a system designed to
“counterbalance” these basic realities:

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    Your triggers are biologically hardwired – your triggers cannot be eliminated. If you think there’s some system out there that going to forever eliminate your sexual pull you’re nuts. You will reduce them, but they are NOT going away. The Mindful Habit® System teaches you mastery over your triggers so you actually use them to create positive results – instead of the habits you’ve created over the past decades.

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    Your negative self-talk and negative thoughts are the results of decades of programming. This means they aren’t going away overnight so The Mindful Habit® System using powerful habit and mindfulness techniques teaches you to change your relationship with your thoughts so they no longer rule you.

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    Your major psychological belief systems are wired in you by the time you are ~12 years old – this means you are operating from faulty “programming” – the source code of your being, how you react to reality, is corrupted. The Mindful Habit® System, helps you heal from past traumas and to use the data you collect regarding your “programming” to identify your true unmet needs so so you can get them met in a healthy way. Healing doesn’t have to take years. Let me prove it to you.

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    Life is hard – your life is full of risks and challenges, but unlike even a mediocre business, you have no systems, plans, tools, or techniques in place to manage the harsh realities of life. The System teachings you to build what we call your own “Personal Infrastructure” – a structured way of living – to produce long-term sustainable results.


A Summary of What You Get:

The Entire Mindful Habit® System


A Step by Step Path to Freedom

35+ Powerful Videos

175 Page Workbook

40+ Exercises


Powerful Guidance & Support

Personal Coaching Sessions

24+ Group Coaching Calls /Month

Support Forum


Long-Term Maintenance
& Accountability

Long Term Support is Critical

Create Sustainable Results

Support When You Need It

Step by Step Pathway to FREEDOM

The Mindful Habit System is modeled after the same program I teach to high profile/executive/ professional/celebrity clients that I work with one on one. Men pay over $10,000 to work with me one on one over the phone and Skype and $20,000 to work with me in person.

I’m going to teach you the exact system I use to repeatedly deliver incredible results.

Using world-class learning management principles, The Mindful Habit® System is a foundational behavior modification system, that leverages the achievement of discrete learning objectives to drive behavior change. Now taught to counselors, therapists, and coaches all over the world.

35+ Life Changing Videos To Help You Get And Keep Your Freedom

Instead of one on one, we use technology to deliver the powerful teachings and techniques that you will use to change your life.

You get over 35+ high quality inspirational, motivational, and action-oriented videos containing the complete Mindful Habit System accompanied with text summaries and exercises so that you can develop the structure back to freedom that is sustainable. Valued at $2,000.

175 Page Workbook- Think of this as support in your back pocket when things get tough and you’re about to slip, do this instead.

To drive home the powerful learning objectives, you receive a digital copy of my 175-page workbook, the same one I send to my one on one clients.

The workbook contains a summary of the key points of each lesson and over 40 real-life exercises that you will perform to ensure that you are using the teachings to actually create change in your life. Valued at $99.

**What you don’t have to do!

  • Never again will you lack the structure you need to create healthy sexuality and sustainable results.
  • You’ll never wonder what’s next because we have your back step by step – from compulsion to freedom.
  • You can do all this without declaring that you are diseased for life, powerless or wave a white flag and surrender to anyone … EVER (disease, powerlessness, and surrender are common terms in the 12 Step System)!

Powerful Support

My team and I am going to guide you step by step through your recovery and beyond. I’m going to answer your personal questions and help you create and manage your own personal recovery program – I’m going to coach you – and so are the other members of my team.

Not just me, but Certified Mindful Habit® Coaches Adrian, George, Michelle and Sandy are going to push you to heights you never knew imaginable. And we are going to do it quickly.

And we are going to help you sustain the results you create.

One on One Session with MH Coach

We’ve been successful because we drive change fast and can see patterns that others don’t. You are going to kick off your journey with a free session with a Mindful Habit Coach so you can learn about everything to program has to offer and to maximize your return on your investment. Valued at $300.

24 Group Coaching Calls Per Month

“The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, it’s connection.” (Johann Hari).  Using technology, we host 6 one hour group coaching calls that me and my team run per week – that’s 24 times per month for you to connect with your coaches and other men. I (Craig Perra) personally run 3 of these calls.

You access these calls via landline, smartphone, desktop, etc … Here you can ask questions, ask to be held accountable, share your successes and your struggles and connect with other men. These calls are sometimes used to discuss and work through volatile relationship issues (you need someone in your corner give you the best advice as you navigate this minefield). Many men find accountability partners on these calls. Valued at $4,000.

Each call is moderated by a Certified Mindful Habit Coach (Craig, George, Adrian, Michelle and Sandy). These coaches are beyond successful in their own right – George has been featured on the TD Jakes Show and a published author, Adrian has a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and has been on the BBC, and Sandy is a therapist and trauma expert, making a massive splash with our new Partner Empowerment Program.

Each of The Mindful Habit Coaches (Adrian, George, Michelle and Sandy) have been personally trained by me and they all have 3 things in common:

  1. They’ve all struggled personally with compulsive sexual behavior (Coach Sandy and MIchelle via her Partner’s porn addiction).
  2. They’ve all come out the other side and created massive change in their lives – each coached by me personally.
  3. Each was personally trained by me and Certified as a Mindful Habit Coach through my rigorous training program.

Group Chat

During the coaching calls, many men connect with each other using the chat feature embedded into the best in class conferencing software that we use (Zoom). This is a perfect feature for men who don’t want to talk for whatever reason or those men who can’t talk (for example, some men join the call while at work or at home with family members in the background). Valued at $200.


We have a powerful support group moderated by our Coaches where we answer your questions. It’s also a place to trade notes regarding your progress with the system, ask questions of others and share your struggles and successes. You can post your assignments here for feedback from other men and support others. Valued at $1,200.

Maintenance & Accountability

Maybe you’ve been down this road before and achieved some level of sobriety but always end of failing. That’s because you don’t have the tools and support to create long-term success. Use the group calls to stay sober and on track. Stay connected with your brothers to ensure that you are moving towards success. Find an accountability partner or create “study groups” so you can team up with others as you journey through the System.

To sum it all up, with the Mindful Habit® Online Group Coaching Program for Sex and Porn Addicts, you will learn how to:

  • Transform your powerful sexual energy into creating a great life
  • Use metrics to eliminate compulsive behavior, accomplish goals, and drive results
  • Master your habit cycle and use tools to “hack” or interrupt your compulsions
  • Move past historical traumas and other drivers of your compulsive behavior
  • Use your biologically hardwired triggers to drive positive actions
  • Retrain your mind to naturally and automatically eliminate the urge to watch porn and instead… choose habits that make healthy choices a priority
  • And you can do it in the comfort of your own home and office.
  • Define and create healthy sexuality and intimacy in your life
  • Master powerful mindfulness techniques to reduce compulsive cravings and increase well being
  • Create a structured life plan to capture the life you want
  • Learn real tools and techniques to “hack” or disrupt your habit/addiction cycle
  • Systematically own your s%!# – be accountable for your actions instead of making excuses for them
  • Control your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS so you WANT to do something more productive
  • Create mission critical “infrastructure” in your life, just like successful companies do, to make your freedom permanent
  • Use the latest goal setting techniques to move you towards the life you want
  • Master your triggers and no longer be a slave to them
  • You don’t have to leave home, spend money on counseling, wait in a waiting room, engage with inefficient methods that don’t produce results fast, be stuck in traffic, and take any more time away from your family than necessary.
  • The Mindful Habit® Group Coaching Program has everything you need to create lasting change in your life fast.



Don’t lose it all when you have a choice
Don’t let the traditional models continue to fail you

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See what Other men have to say about
the Mindful Habit


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FAQs: Got Questions? I Got Answers

For the overwhelming majority of clients who join this program, the answer is yes. The Mindful Habit® contains everything you need to break free from your compulsive sexual behavior and create a great life. The program is intense and requires you to work so it’s best that you focus your efforts here. That being said, a few clients supplement their work with a local therapist and/or 12 Step Meetings and that’s totally fine. It’s up to you to do what works for you.

No Risk, Start Changing Your Life Now


Thank you for trusting me with your recovery. I look forward to honoring that trust with a powerful program that drives results. If you’re not on track to profoundly changing your life in 30 days, please ask me for your money back.

-CRAIG PERRA | Certified Professional Coach,
Founder, The Mindful Habit Method


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(855) 434-3836

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